Why I Am Not Boycotting Target

With all the buzz going around about this I wanted to take a minute to say why I am not boycotting Target. 

First off, I am a parent. I do have children that shop with me and use the bathrooms in stores. I have both boys and girls so I can not always be in the bathroom with them.
Second, I do not have personal connections (that I am aware of), to anyone in the transgender community so this is speaking on just simple empathy for other human beings.

Dear Target, 
Obviously I have heard about your stance on the transgender bathrooms, not too many people have been able to miss it. I have also heard and read so many stories as to why people are choosing to boycott the stores and I must admit that originally I did start to think it sounded logical to do, and honestly for some it is. People like to stand up for what they believe in and when you mess with the possible safety of our children in an already screwed up world you can surely expect some resistance. I do think this is a huge (potential) safety risk! 
But, I have decided I will not be boycotting your stores with what the other almost 1 million peopleI shop Target often. The stores are always clean, the employees we have been in contact are always friendly. I like the products and the quality of them. I can always find something for everyone, and usually much more there. The same as so many other shoppers. I will put the safety of my children on me. That is part of my job is it not? Instead of boycotting the whole store I will just boycott the bathrooms, we really don't use them often anyways, with the exception of emergencies. So unless one of my girls is with me and I can go in with them, my husband for the boys then we will not be in there. I can not knowingly send my children into a bathroom with people of the opposite sex. Not only for their sake but for the other people in there. Kids ask questions, kids stare, kids say things without filters. It is also my job to teach them how to deal with things appropriately and my daughters (sons) sharing a bathroom with men (women) is not age appropriate for them and my family, not at this time. I do believe anyone going through any kind of change, transgender or otherwise, already has enough to deal with, it is not my place to add more stress or possible embarrassment for them. I would not want that to be something my kids ever have to deal with. 
And yes, I understand there are predators everywhere, probably closer than we all think, but that is not Targets fault, that is lack of a decent society. I can not blame Target for wanting to be available to everyone. "Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you’ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target." (source) So Target has their job - to provide goods and services, and I have mine - to parent my children and keep them from potential danger.
a random Target shopper 


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