I Walk For Water // book review
Imagine not being able to just grab a nice cold bottle of Fiji or Zephyrhills or not being able to take a clean shower. These things we do everyday, things we use, like fresh and clean water not everyone has access to. In Spring 2010, Author, Lindsey Andrews, took a trip to Ethiopia to adopt her 2 children. While she was there she met a boy who struggled daily to find water for his family. Instead of going to school like other kids his age, he was sent on that mission. The story changed how Lindsey and her family viewed water.
I Walk For Water has been read in schools all over the country and in Ethiopia. The goal is to share the story and inspire others. A 10 year old in Missouri read the book and began her own walk for water. She raised enough for 4 wells around the world.
The book itself is geared towards ages 5-8 but it can certainly be for all ages, and can inspire everyone to do something to help support clean water. Well written with easy to understand words. My youngest, 7, was able to read it without any trouble. It is also a story that is so well written that you can understand the actual story and what is going on.
I love finding new ways to get involved with things going on, not only close to home but globally and this gives some insight on what can be done and what needs to be done. I could not imagine sending my kids out to look for clean water everyday, wishing for rain so we could have clean water.
Please follow the author, Lindsey Andrews on Facebook and Twitter. And support I Walk For Water on Kickstarter.
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