Snooze Button (#25) #Meet&Greet

hosted by Just2BYou

This weeks get to know you question is
How many times do you normally hit the snooze button after your alarm goes off? 

I don't use an alarm too often right now. I have 2 older kids that are homeschooled and 1 in public school but he is staying with gramma this year (better school options), and then the babies so none of us really have to be up early too often. My husband is up at 6:30am and I usually hear him so I sometimes wake up when he is getting ready and leaving for work. If I don't wake up then I usually am up anyways by about 8am. The kids sleep anywhere from 7am -10am depending. When I do use the alarm I usually set it for 30-45 minutes before I have to be up just in case I don't hear it or I hit the snooze a few times. Then I set a 2nd alarm for 15 minutes before I have to be up. 


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