30 Miles in 30 Days #Challenge.....Miles in May

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie

So I posted the begining of May about doing a miles challenge. Originally I found the idea from Sexy Hefer and she was linked up with The Pink Growl for 30 Miles in 30 Days.
Sooooooooooo May is over (ALREADY!) and I made it through my miles. I wanted to get in 30 miles for the month of May but I ended up with 22 miles. 3(ish) of them were completed during Color Me Rad (Tampa). It was a blast by the way! I still have to finish up my blog post about that but my card reader will not read the card I used that day (UGH!). Anyways I am going to attempt another month of miles....June! I am going to set the goal at 30 however it has been raining here off and on so hopefully I can get out there and get it done. I can only do so much walking in a day because I normally have the kids, or at least some of them, with me and I know they will just keep going and going and I don't want them to do too much. Well heres to JUNE!


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