Empowering Kids to Thrive over at Thrively

Sign up for free over at Thrively, and then tailor to each of your children. You can pick from academics, music, creative arts, dance, religion, and other areas of interest. Once you have gone through each of the kids take an assessment so Thrively can better match videos, classes, and offline information for them. 
Thrively suggests apps, workshops offline like Home Depot Kids Workshops and CPR classes, boards based on interests and likes that help teach about what the kids are really interested in, among other things. The site brings together tons of information in one place. 
Learn a new language. 
Arts and crafts. 
Skateboarding techniques and boating safety. 
Online and offline courses and recommendations. 
Watch videos about animals, science, math, and tons of other interests. 
Learn about new apps that are geared towards what you are wanting to learn or what is interesting to you or your children. 

Deadline to post:        2014/04/30


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