10 Facts About Breatfeeding {parenting}

This week is World Breastfeeding Week
While there are TONS of facts and opinions both off and online, in the end it is up to you, the mom, to decide what option is best for you and your family. 
"Breast is best," that is what most of us know, most of us hear. So if you are a mom debating breastfeeding, here are a few facts that might help you make your decision a little easier. 

Baby, Baby Girl, Sleeping Baby

1. Breastfeeding is good for mom. It can help you burn up to 500 extra calories. Even while sitting and breastfeeding, you are burning off those calories. 

2. The amount of milk you produce is not affected by your breast size. Regardless of the size, your baby will get enough. 

3.  Breast milk contains antibodies that can protect infants from viral and bacterial viruses. Babies that are breastfed have a reduced risk of stomach issues, ear infections, asthma, and childhood obesity.

4. The average breastfeed time is about 16 minutes. I know I have heard moms say they just don't have the time, especially at night when they are sleeping or trying to. 16 minutes can seem like forever at 3 a.m. Even though you are exhausted think about all those extra minutes of snuggle and bonding you have with your baby. That alone can make it worth the time. 

5. 82% of moms that breastfeed use a pump. So on those nights of exhaustion, mentioned above, it is good to have a pump and milk on hand. 

6. Do not change the milk that you produce. The milk will change depending on what your baby needs. Diluting or adding water to what you produce could cause damage and death to your baby. 

7. Lactose is the only sugar a baby should have. It is found in breastmilk and any alternatives can cause damage to those new little teeth. 

8. In the first few hours, after birth, skin to skin contact can help a baby breastfeed. It will allow their instincts to work and help them latch on. Breastmilk can detect a change in temperature and will cool or warm as necessary. 

9. Breastfeeding is affordable. On average a breastfeeding mom can save $2000 a year. Savings for future "Moms Day Out." 

10. Each mom has a unique scent and your baby knows it. 

Baby, Child, Newborn, Arms

If you are a mom interested in breastfeeding you can find a ton of information on benefits, how to's, videos, etc on the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Also visit La Leche Leauge. They have local chapters that can assist with breastfeeding and pumps.
Pregnant mothers can also ask their doctors any questions about breastfeeding and local resources.  


  1. Great tips! I nursed my son until he was a little over two and overall it was an amazing experience.


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